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Posts: 8796

posted on 5/7/2020 14:25"dismiss the article" X "Belittle my political horizons" ./ "Question my actions" ./ "Sidestep the thrust of the post" XX - Gramsci.

try to get it all right.

Your post took - out of the context of the article - a point that the writer himself said was "a cheap point", and I say is a strawman.

But you made that the central point of your post on here.

So if either of us is not doing the article justice (dismissing it) - and is making a bigger, even cheaper point than the writer of the article was making - it is you, surely? 

And a point you have failed to back up with any facts.



- “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell -

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