posted on 20/5/2020 11:01This Ceferin - nomad
He's the bloke that was saying we were guilty n should be banned before the investigation he headed started isnt he?
- Potentially interesting comments... - philh 20/5 10:53 (read 6983 times, 15 posts in thread)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - MSimmons 17/3 10:51 (read 6397 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - jackchadwick 24/1 05:46 (read 5157 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - jackchadwick 1/4 18:25 (read 4753 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - Jennaburton 6/11 10:09 (read 5844 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - jackchadwick 6/8 06:39 (read 6146 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - emmasparks 27/8 12:19 (read 6133 times)
- The Structure of the Master's Thesis - lincolnmullis 22/1 13:05 (read 6121 times)
- Re: The Structure of the Master's Thesis - jackchadwick 24/1 07:24 (read 5593 times)
- The Structure of the Master's Thesis - lincolnmullis 22/1 13:05 (read 6121 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - emmasparks 27/8 12:19 (read 6133 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - jackchadwick 24/1 05:46 (read 5157 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - Harrietega 28/7 11:08 (read 6856 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - Mently1952 16/5 10:15 (read 6462 times)
- Reader - Nathanoy 25/7 08:16 (read 7112 times)
- oops, wrong forum! nt - philh 20/5 12:17 (read 7196 times)
- This Ceferin - nomad 20/5 11:01 (read 7062 times)
- I suspect the future of football will welcome incoming capital investment - Gramsci. 20/5 10:57 (read 7416 times)
- Re: Potentially interesting comments... - MSimmons 17/3 10:51 (read 6397 times)
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