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posted on 21/10/2021 10:08Govt. Covid strategy - Gav

imoh....Boris has decided that 1,000 deaths a week and/or up to 100,000 cases a week are acceptable because it gives him leeway and reason(in his mibd) to ignore calls for mitigations such as mask mandates.

He couldn't get these mitigations past his own MPs and is gambling that we don't reach his predetermined limits. Tales from A&E and ICU are that medics are convinced action is needed now. Advice from Govt. scientists has always been to act early but is once again being ignored

Even if Johnson has written off the over 80s as expendable, we've already lost 96 kids to covid. They didn't deserve to have their lives cut short on the political whims on Johnson

The ****er should face the law, the first duty of Govt. is to protect the population


- Hanging on in quiet desparation is the English way -