posted on 18/8/2020 22:55Interim 'The Week in Tory' because there's so much nonsense (Part 1) - Gramsci.
1. The govt announced quarantine for people returning from France
- “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell -
2. It waited until everyone had made travel plans, then brought the policy forwards 24 hours
3. And then an MP using the name “Grant Shapps” helpfully told everybody the wrong date for the start of quarantine
4. Irony’s own Bermuda Triangle, Priti Patel, said migrants were only coming here because the French are all racist and Germans torture people
5. Days after MoD said Patel’s plans for channel protection were “completely potty”, the Navy refused to send warships into the Channel
6. And the UN said her ideas were “very troubling” and would cause “fatal incidents”
7. The govt proceeded with plans to end the furlough scheme, after think-tanks predicted would cost 2 million jobs
8. Universal Credit requires £11bn extra investment to make it cope with current levels of claims, and here come another £2m
9. So naturally, the govt made applications for Universal Credit “online only”, after removing 4000 computers from libraries and job centres since 2015
10. The govt claimed 90% of homeless people were helped off the streets, but data actually showed rough-sleeping rose sharply
11. So govt will scrap the ban on evictions in 5 days’ time, predicted to cause 220,000 extra people in England to become homeless just as winter starts
12. The National Residential Landlords Association said the ban on evictions was “an unnecessary hindrance to our members”
13. 28% of Tory MPs are landlords, and I'm going to mark that down as "an incredible coincidence" and ask no further questions
14. News of unnecessary hindrances brings me to top fireplace salesman Gavin Williamson. He started the week modestly, with a cheery pledge to starve 175,000 children of immigrants, by stopping their free meals while their families cannot legally work or claim benefits
15. All the way back in the mists of time (in May) the govt instructed Ofqual to tell teachers to spend hours per-pupil creating estimated grades, which were reviewed and approved by headteachers
16. But then toothsome mantis Gavin Williamson decided teachers know less than quickly-written and badly-tested software does, and commissioned an algorithm to invent grades for this year's students, based largely on totally different students from different years
17. The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) offered to help assess the outcome of the algorithm after staff at Dept for Education raised concerns. But the govt put barriers in the way which would prevent the RSS from operating properly for 5 years. So they couldn't help.
18. Gavin Williamson is on record instructing Ofqual to design a system that could not allow grade inflation
19. But this week, in a wildly unpredictable turn of events, he blamed Ofqual for - brace yourself - designing a system that did not allow grade inflation
20. But private schools did get grade inflation, an average 8x the increase state schools got
21. On average, 40% of state schools results were downgraded, and in Northern England it was as high as 84%
22. In some subjects, 98.9% of results from private schools were inflated
23. The Times reports the govt still plans to use the algorithm for GCSE’s, but will not downgrade any results, only upgrade them: which only benefits private schools
24. And then a maelstrom of policy changes began: first, students were barred from appealing against results
25. Then they were permitted to appeal results, at a cost of £113 per exam
26. Then it was announced schools would pay the fees, even though schools are not only closed, but broke, having had £7bn cut from their budget by Tories
27. And then it was announced the appeals would be free, even though Ofqual has no facilities to handle that number of appeals
28. And then they cancelled the appeals program completely
29. All that appeals stuff happened in just 48 hours
30. When Scotland used the algorithm, it led to a crisis and had to be abandoned, and Tories called for the Scottish Education Minister to resign
31. Regardless, the UK govt implemented the algorithm that had just been proven to fail, and seemed surprised when it failed
32. The Minister of Innovation said A-Levels don’t matter as much as “grit and determination”, and his failure at Harrow “taught me how to hustle”. He is the 5th Lord Bethan, and “hustled” his way to a hereditary peerage as a result of his Dad dying. Good hustling, dude!
33. Gavin Williamson said there would be “No U-turn, no change”, which I think he got from a sign outside a toll-booth on the M6
34. Boris Johnson said, “be in no doubt about it, the exam results that we've got today are robust, they're good, they're dependable for employers”
35. The Daily Mail – yes, even them – reported the govt only changed its mind after the headmaster of Eton – yes, even them – complained about the unfairness
36. The UK Equalities Watchdog warned it would intervene because the algorithm results were discriminatory
37. Gavin Williamson claimed he only spotted the flaws “at the weekend”, but hours later it was revealed the Commons Education Dept warned him of all these flaws and dangers, in person, and then in a report sent to him on 10th July
38. On the steps of Downing St the day he became PM, Johnson said “My job is to make sure your kids get a superb education, wherever you are from. I will take personal responsibility. The buck stops here”.
39. Boris Johnson is busy “glamping”, so in his absence it was decided the buck stops at the head of Ofqual, who simply followed ministerial instructions; and at Gavin Williamson’s permanent secretary, who was unceremoniously sacked for doing what his boss told him
40. Meanwhile, Williamson felt the best use of his time was to pose for a photo with little on his desk but a cup, a seemingly empty file, and a whip (for reasons that bewilder, but are in keeping with his apparent background as a mildly disturbing minor Addams Family character)
- “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell -
- Interim 'The Week in Tory' because there's so much nonsense (Part 1) - Gramsci. 18/8 22:55 (read 3250 times, 2 posts in thread)
- Interim 'The Week in Tory' because there's so much nonsense (Part 2) - Gramsci. 18/8 22:56 (read 2794 times)