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posted on 6/8/2020 14:29Re: Russ In Cheshire's 'The Week In Tory' - new edition - Part 2 - Gramsci.

37. The govt said it would not isolate over-50s
38. The govt said you can’t meet other families in your home
39. The govt said you can meet other families in pubs
40. The govt said pubs might have to close so we can open schools
41. The govt said pubs would be spared Covid-19 restrictions
42. The govt said it would be “as good as over by Christmas”
43. The govt said we should “not delude ourselves this will go aware in a few months”
44. The govt said it was abandoning its pledge to conduct regular testing in care homes
45. The govt said it wasn’t abandoning its pledge to conduct regular testing in care home and oh god, kill me
46. The PR firm responsible for creating a false Labour manifesto website and a renaming the Tory twitter page “factcheckUK” then tweeting falsehoods was granted a £3m Covid-19 communications contract. There was no tender process
47. A report found only 45% of adults have even a “broad understanding” of the lockdown rules, which is hardly surprising when the PR firm’s major experience is false news
48. Only 26% of emergency funds for small charities had been allocated, and even less actually paid
49. After introducing quarantines on returning tourists, Dominic Raab said “you cannot be penalised in this country lawfully for following the rules”
50. It was later admitted that employers can penalise employees who quarantine, but the govt hadn’t known this. The actual govt
51. It was revealed UK negotiators “only engaged with Brexit issues [the single most important political business since WW2] in the last 2 weeks”
52. The PM’s father said Johnson was “living in cloud cuckoo land” about getting a free trade deal without meeting EU standards
53. The OECD showed the number of UK citizens emigrating to the EU has risen 30% since the Brexit vote
54. The report concluded “These increases in numbers are of a magnitude that you would only expect when a country is hit by a major economic or political crisis”
55. Polling shows a 60% drop in Tory support by expats, and pinpointed “the implications of a hard Brexit” as the primary reason
56. Random Tory MP news: a Tory MP said the “vast majority” of people breaching lockdown rules were from minority, and specifically Muslim, backgrounds
57. But a study found 80% of infections in locked-down areas were in the white British (note the correct terminology that doesn't exclude part of the BAME British community from being "English") community and said this should be “a warning to the complacent white middle class”
58. In 2019 the govt promised a “transparent and independent appointment strategy” for top Whitehall jobs. This year, 44% of those appointed to top Whitehall jobs are close personal friends of Michael Gove, which might just be one of those absolutely incredible coincidence things
59. More Gove: the NI politician John Hume died, and Gove praised his “integrity and wisdom” in helping to create the Good Friday Agreement
60. Gove wrote a 58-page pamphlet opposing the Good Friday Agreement and said those involved in the GFA were akin to “appeasing the Nazis”
61. A Tory MP was arrested for alleged rape, and not only did the party not suspend him, it was revealed the chief whip and Jacob Rees-Mogg both knew about it for at least a month and did nothing
62. The effortlessly brilliant Liam Fox appears to be a major cause of Russian hacking of British politics, after it was found he was highly likely to have used unsecured personal email for classified govt business, and got 451 pages of it nicked
63. Jeremy Hunt, who is worth £14m, and once explained bogus expenses claims by saying he forgot about 7 houses he owned (and which of can honestly say we haven’t forgotten about 7 houses we own) boasted of using £50 of taxpayer’s money to buy fish and chips
64. The govt announced it would employ an official PM’s spokesperson at a cost of £100,000, even though Whitehall rules about civil servants explicitly forbid it, and the rules explicitly say the PM must answer questions personally
65. Boris Johnson said of Black Lives Matter, “I hear you, and I understand”
66. And then this week the govt refused to even begin a review into possibly introducing more black, Asian, and ethnic minority history in schools

- “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell -